
iPhone 7 fatale: muore utilizzandolo in vasca da bagno

Notizie tragiche quelle che arrivano dal Regno Unito, dove un uomo sarebbe deceduto per aver utilizzato il proprio iPhone 7 nella vasca da bagno, con lo smartphone sotto carica.

Quanto riportato da 9to5Mac sotto questo punto di vista, citando tra le altre cose il medico legale, sembra non lasciare spazio a dubbi sulle reali cause del decesso:

“PC Craig Pattison told the inquest at West London Coroner’s Court how he found the extension lead running from the hallway outside into the bathroom.’
‘We found an iPhone plugged into the extension cable and then the charger element in the bath,’ he explained. ‘The extension cable was on the floor and it appeared as though he had his phone charger on his chest and the part between the phone charger and the cable had made contact with the water.’
At an inquest into his death the coroner issued a warning about using the ‘innocuous devices’ which can be ‘as dangerous as a hairdryer in a bathroom.’ Recording a verdict of accidental death, Dr Sean Cummings said: ‘These seem like innocuous devices but can be as dangerous as a hairdryer in a bathroom. ‘They should attach warnings. I intend to write a report later to the makers of the phone.”

Insomma, un vero e proprio monito per i possessori di un iPhone 7 e dei suoi predecessori, soprattutto quando siamo a contatto con l’acuqa considerando quanto avvenuto.

Giovanni Tripodi

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