iOS - Sistema Operativo

Spegnimento iPhone 6S risolto? Parla Apple

Indicazioni interessanti quelle che arrivano direttamente da Apple in seguito al rilascio dell’aggiornamento iOS 10.2.1, visto che l’upgrade sembra aver risolto l’80% dei casi relativi allo spegnimento degli iPhone 6S.

Andiamo ad analizzare più da vicino quanto riportato da un esponente di Apple durante la suddetta intervista, destinata a far discutere molto nel corso delle prossime settimane:

“With iOS 10.2.1, Apple made improvements to reduce occurrences of unexpected shutdowns that a small number of users were experiencing with their iPhone. iOS 10.2.1 already has over 50% of active iOS devices upgraded and the diagnostic data we’ve received from upgraders shows that for this small percentage of users experiencing the issue, we’re seeing a more than 80% reduction in iPhone 6s and over 70% reduction on iPhone 6 of devices unexpectedly shutting down.

We also added the ability for the phone to restart without needing to connect to power, if a user still encounters an unexpected shutdown. It is important to note that these unexpected shutdowns are not a safety issue, but we understand it can be an inconvenience and wanted to fix the issue as quickly as possible. If a customer has any issues with their device they can contact AppleCare”.

A questo punto non possiamo fare altro che attendere i primi feedback da coloro che utilizzano un iPhone 6S, per capire se effettivamente l’aggiornamento iOS 10.2.1 ha risolto o meno i problemi alla batteria.

Giovanni Tripodi

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